Personal Projects
TracerBoy is a DX12 physically-based path tracer leveraging DXR. It support for a variety of materials including subsurface scattering, depth of field, and SVGF-style denoising.
The code is available on GitHub
Dragons rendered with a variety of physically-based materials including metal, subsurface-scattering and clear cloat. Dragon model from Delatronic from Benedikt Bitterli’s resources page
Render of the bistro scene from the ORCA library
Volumetric Rendering Sample
This is a simple ShaderToy I wrote as an exporation into volumetric rendering. I wrote a part 1 and part 2 post breaking down how it works.
ShaderToy available here. For phone or laptops, I’d recommend the performant version here
Moana Water Shader
An interactive water shader based on Moana. The shader does 1 primary ray and 2 levels of refraction (with each level also tracing a reflection ray). The water is ray marched as an sdf while the opaque objects are all spheres and a ground plane that are ray traced for performance reasons. Parallax occlusion mapping is used on the sand to give a sense of real geometry as well as some small material tricks to simulate wet sand close to the water.
ShaderToy available here
Winter Cabin
The scene is modelled entirely using SDFs. Screen-space blurring is done on the snow to simulate subsurface scattering and in the distance for DOF. I added some manual point light placement to fake area lighting from the windows.
ShaderToy available here
RenderMan Art Challenge
I entered the RenderMan “Magic Shop” Art Challenge. This was my final result:
Mathilda model by Xiong Lin and rig by Leon Sooi. Pixar models by Eman Abdul-Razzaq, Grace Chang, Ethan Crossno, Siobhán Ensley, Derrick Forkel, Felege Gebru, Damian Kwiatkowski, Jeremy Paton, Leif Pedersen, Kylie Wijsmuller, and Miguel Zozaya © Disney/Pixar - RenderMan “Magic Shop” Art Challenge